Highland Treatment Inc.

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Contact Contact Us Shipping Address 938 North Milford Road Highland, MI 48357 Mailing Address PO Box 1089 Highland, MI 48357 Service Area Southeastern Michigan Hours of Operation Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m....


Staff Staff – Meet Our Team of Water & Wastewater Operators Highland Treatment Inc. is proud to employ a team of more than 30 reliable water and wastewater operators. Our hiring process is based on...


Services Water & Wastewater Management Services Don’t settle for anything less than the best when it comes to protecting the well-being of your workers, your property, and our local natural resources. That means depending on...



Contact Us

Shipping Address
938 North Milford Road
Highland, MI 48357

Mailing Address
PO Box 1089
Highland, MI 48357

Service Area
Southeastern Michigan

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
24/7 Emergency Services

Phone: (248) 889-1922

Email: customerservice@highlandtreatment.com



Staff – Meet Our Team of Water & Wastewater Operators

Highland Treatment Inc. is proud to employ a team of more than 30 reliable water and wastewater operators. Our hiring process is based on experience, qualifications, and a drive to continuously succeed. Every member of our team—from certified operators to in-house chemists—is committed to working hard to reach our goals and overcome the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Hard Hat

Anthony Dowson, Operations Supervisor

Industrial: A-1b, A-1d, A-1f, A-1g, A-2b, A-2b, B-2a, B-2c, B-3b, C-1b, C-1c, C-2a, C-2b, C-2c, C-2d, C-2e, C-3a, C-3b
Municipal: A, B, C, D, L1
Water: D2, F5, S2

Mark Dowson, Operations Supervisor

Industrial: A-1b, A-1d, A-1f, A-1g, A-2b, A-2d, B-2a, B-3b, C-1b, C-1c, C-2a, C-2b, C-2c, C-2d, C-2e, C-3a, C-3b
Municipal: B, C, D, L1
Water: D2, S3

Adam Batteese, Field Operator

Industrial: A-1b, A-1d, A-1f, A-1g, A-2b, B-2c, C-1b, C-1c, C-2a, C-2b, C-2c, C-2d, C-2e, C-3a, C-3b
Municipal: D, L1
Water: D2, S2

Jeff Cahill, Field Operator

Water: D-4, S-4

Industrial: A-1b, A-1d, C-1b, C-1c

AL Maddix, Field Operator

Water: D-5, F-3, S-2

Scott Curtiss, Field Operator

Industrial: A-1b, A-1d, A-1f
Municipal: C, D, L1, SC
Water: D-2, S-3

Vincent Ellison, Field Operator

Industrial: A-1b, A-1f, C-2a

Water: D3, S4

Matt Esper, Field Operator

Industrial: A-1b
Municipal: D
Water: D3, S3

Daniel Gehringer, Field Operator

Municipal: A, B, C, D

Water: D1, S3, F4

Christina Granger, Field Operator

Industrial: C-1c

Water: D-4, S-4

Tish Griffith, Purchasing/Office Staff

Industrial: A-1d, C-1b, C-1c, C-2d
Municipal: L1
Water: D-4, S-4

Jack Fuller, Field Operator

Industrial: A-1b, A-1f, C-1b, C-1c, C-2b, C-2c, C-3a, C-3b
Municipal: C, D, L1, SC
Water: D3, S3

Joe Liebau, Field Operator

Industrial: A-1b, A-1d, A-1f, A-1g, A-2b, A-2c, B-1b, B-2a, B-2c, C-1b, C-1c, C-2a, C-2b, C-2c, C-3a, C-3b
Municipal: B, C, D, L1, SC
Water: D3, S4

Scott Owen, Field Operator

Municipal: L1, SC
Water: S4

Cliff Roach, Field Operator

Industrial: A-1b, A-1d, A-1f, A-1g, A-2b, B-1b, B-2c C-1b, C-1c, C-2a
Municipal: D, L2, L1, SC
Water: D3, S3

Paul Sager, Field Operator

Industrial: A-1b, C-1b, C-1c
Municipal: L1, SC
Water: D4, S4

Rick Williams, Field Operator

Industrial: A-1b, A-1d, C-1c
Municipal: D, L1
Water: D3, S3

Kevin Woods, Field Operator

Water: D4, S4

  • Jeff Demko, Laborer
  • Zoey Dobbs, Laborer
  • Jacob Heid, Laborer
  • Matt Horn, Laborer
  • Steve Lockhart, Laborer
  • William Modglin, Laborer
  • Brandon Myers, Laborer
  • Steve Burns, Chemist
  • Kevin Reinwasser, Chemist
  • Michelle Parks, Lab Assistant
  • Joe Domkowski, Water Operator
  • Julia Dowson, President
  • Jennifer Dowson, Vice President
  • Mitchell Dowson, Property Manager
  • Sharla Williams, Dispatch



Water & Wastewater Management Services

Don’t settle for anything less than the best when it comes to protecting the well-being of your workers, your property, and our local natural resources. That means depending on Highland Treatment Inc. to manage the health of your water and wastewater treatment systems and operations. We are proud to be a leading name in the world of water and wastewater management throughout Central and Lower Michigan. Choose us—and our exceptional industry reputation—to keep your industrial, commercial, or municipal facility’s water management systems in top shape. Call or email us today to request our services.

Water Treatment Plant

Water & Wastewater Solutions

We have the experience and expertise to offer all the water- and wastewater-related services you need, from design advice to commercial testing. Depend on our highly trained operators to deliver the right solution when you encounter issues with your treatment systems. Our impressive range of services includes:

  • Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations & Maintenance
  • Water Treatment Operations & Maintenance
  • Lift Station Maintenance & Repair
  • Contractual Laboratory Services
  • Sewer Metering
  • Infiltration & Inflow Testing
  • Rapid Infiltration Bed Testing
  • Well Test Monitoring
  • Treatment Plant Closure Services
  • Lagoon Cleaning
  • Sludge Judging
  • Lagoon Exfiltration Testing
  • Rapid Infiltration Bed Cleaning
  • Treatment Plant Design Assistance
  • Control System Integration
  • SCADA Services
  • Hydrant Flushing & Repair
  • 24/7 Emergency Services


Trusted by the People

of Michigan



An Experienced Water & Wastewater Operations Company – Highland, MI

How you manage water and wastewater plays an integral role in your facility’s safety, legal compliance, and efficiency. That is why it is crucial to have professionals on your side to ensure your water management procedures are propelling you toward success. As a water and wastewater operations company in Highland, MI, we provide the highest standard of operations, maintenance, testing, repair, and consultation services to clients across multiple sectors and industries. Commercial, industrial, residential, and municipal facilities count on our experienced water and wastewater operators to help manage and maintain their water operations—and we continue to exceed their expectations through innovation, efficiency, and a dedication to quality workmanship.

Water Cleaning Facility


Highland Treatment Inc. was formed in 1971 and incorporated in 1980 as a full-service water and wastewater operations and maintenance company. Today, our experts have more than 100 years of combined experience delivering quality water and wastewater management services. Every member of our Michigan workforce is fully committed to responsible water and wastewater management in order to protect the natural resources of our beautiful state.

What We Offer

Person Holding a Hard Hat

Treatment Plant Repair

Water Treatment Basin

Treatment Plant Maintenance

Water Treatment and Boiler Room

Treatment Systems Testing

Two Men Holding a Blueprint

Plant Design Assistance

Call now to learn more about our commercial, industrial, and municipal water and wastewater services.

(248) 889-1922

Contact Us

Choose us – and our exceptional industry reputation – to keep your residential, industrial, commercial or municipal facility’s water management systems in top shape. Call or email us today to speak with your local water and wastewater expert.

Shipping Address
938 North Milford Road
Highland, MI 48357

Mailing Address
PO Box 1089
Highland, MI 48357

Service Area
Southeastern Michigan

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
24/7 Emergency Services

(248) 889-1922